Right of Way and Utility Permits

Performing any type of work within the right-of-way requires a permit. Please contact us directly with questions.

All permitting will require the following documentation:

~ Site/Plot Plan

~ TFHD Summary of Information Form OR Non Approved copy of your application from Planning & Zoning (i.e. Residential Building Permit, Commercial Building Permit Application, etc.)

~ When fees are applicable, 2 separate checks are required. One for fees and one for deposits.

                                                     ~ TFHD ROW Permit and Culvert Installation Authorization Form or Utility Permit

                                                     ~ Any applications submitted to cross roads with a water line will require a License Agreement

Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule


Standards & Development Procedures

Standards & Development Procedures (Compressed File)





Please contact us to inquire about abandoning/vacating easements.


Public Records Request

Public Records Request

In accordance with Idaho Code 74-102; and, in order to best serve the public and expeditiously process your request for public records, all requests to examine or copy public records MUST BE MADE IN WRITING with signature. Please complete this form. All copies made are subject to a copying fee that may be required prior to receipt of record(s) requested. We will respond to this request within three (3) business days. If it is determined that additional time is required to locate or retrieve the records you have requested. Further information will be provided regarding your request no longer than 10 days from request.